Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Scottie

That's right I'm celebrating my 41st Birthday today!!! Before I was born the doctors told my mother that I had a 10% chance of making it into this wonderful world. So today I am so blessed to have my Lovely wife that I could not make it day by day without. My great kids Ricky, Zachery, Hannah and Kaitlyn. And of course all of my Triathlon friends. Without Triathlons I would have never gotten off the couch and discovered the great outdoors that I love today. And I might just live to be a lot older and live life to the fullest. Thanks everyone for being there for me.
So to celebrate my birthday by climbed up my mini Mount Beezley with my sister and my little buddy Camber.~Thumbs up~


Mark said...

Happy birthday buddy!

TRI-ROB said...

WE are blessed to have you here!!!!

Happy Birthday Scottie!!