Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Going to Ironman CDA Volunteer and Cheering

I pretty much writing in my blog to myself at this point to get my triathlon life back up and running. It will be a year this weekend since I participated in Ironman Coeur d' Alene. this year I will be going to volunteer and cheer all the crazy super stars on. I have been out of racing for a whole year. My wife started coaching the High School tennis team, My stepdaughter had dance classes and I coached my two daughters in fast pitch softball. I was not about me this year. Which was just fine with me, I needed to spend sometime with family. But I do miss the sport, the friends I made while training for Ironman and writing in this Blog. When I'm at CDA I will also be signing up to race Ironman Coeur d' Alene For 2010, I hope to hear from friends again. This weekend is going to be a blast. So Scottie let's get a race schedule going and goals up on the wall. It's go time buddy!!Helicopter right on top of the racers!!!

Lap 2 on the swim.

She is such a good kid. Volunteering at run special needs. I had a blast helping all the rummy racers. My wife Dee Dee and my daughter Hannah will be at this same spot in 2010, I just hope the weather is nice for them.

Finish line. Wow what a great place to hang out and cheer. I had a lump in my throat.

~Thumbs Up~


SWTrigal said...

Welcome back Scottie!

Ironscottie said...

Thank you SWTrigal!!! Good to see someone still looks at my blog. :)

TRI-ROB said...

It'll be really great to see you out there Scottie!
