Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ramping it up

I have found a place to work on my swimming. It's called "Billy Clapp Lake". I am not too sure why they would name a lake that, but I have good medical at my work and I will keep my fingers crossed that whatever is in the lake is not contagious. I guess this used to be a location where there was several lakes located very closely together. When they put in a canal feed, they damed it which made one big lake. In the picture I swim in the upper half of the lake above the dam. It is a mile across and back, which is perfect!! I have access to a private dock and a paddle boat. This all came about because my wife's dad that passed away 5 years ago used to fish with a gentlemen that just happens to live on the lake. It's kinda funny how your life changes in a good direction and good things just seem to keep happening to you.

And then there is my lovely wife that just keeps on supporting me. I come up with these goofy ideas and she just keeps on being there for me. I put all my swimming gear on and she gets in a paddle boat, marks me across the lake, and holds up a orange flag so I don't get run over by a jet ski or boat. It was our first time out and all went well. She did remind me that I don't seem to swim very straight. I think it's her driving. I'm excited about this new find! I have an Olympic Distance event on Sunday the 22nd and I am hoping that my new found training ground will help me to be more comfortable in the open water. I really do not want a repeat of my Pacific Crest swim. Just a notable observation - the name of the triathlon I am doing on Sunday is "Whiskey Dick." I'm not too sure the combination of training at a lake with Clapp in it's name and doing a Dick tri is a good thing. What do you think?


TRI-ROB said...

What's UP Scottie Dog! What a great place to train for the swim! Best of luck in your Oly this weekend!

TRI-ROB said...

DUDE! Quit SLACKIN! Are you even training anymore??? BAH HA HA! Let's hear it!