Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The 2007 Apple Capital Triathlon

The Apple Capital Triathlon was started in the 1990’s as a way to showcase our beautiful area while offering one of the best races in the Northwest. They offer a professionally timed event, a scenic course, one of the fastest swims in the region and the best swag in the state! Located at Daroga State Park. Olympic Distance:
1.5 swim, 24.8 mile scenic out-and-back bike, 6 mile run along a paved trail within Daroga State Park.
This was my first time at this event. So the night before I used Map quest. Being new at using this great service that has every road in the world at your disposal, I seemed to locate the only way to get to the Apple Capital Triathlon that requires a 4 wheel drive. At one point in this trip I was not sure I was going to make it to race on time. The road signs that we were following had been shot several times to the point where we could not even read them. Oh, and this trail that we were on - I mean road - was one way only. OK, we got lost, there I said it. Really if we were going camping then we were on the right road. But we were going to a Triathlon!! Finally we found a paved road and cell phone coverage, where we used our phone a friend lifeline. My friend Kelly informed me that the race started 20 minutes later then I had first thought. So needless to say, I was not as grumpy, I was just later then I planned on. I hate being late!

I checked in and found out that they would have to mail me my shirt because they ran out. I was positive though and said, "That's cool, that just means you had a lot of people turn out." I was just happy to be there. Setting up T1 and T2 was entertaining also. There was no room in my marked bike area so one of the volunteers told me to just put it on the end of one of the bike racks. Well all that does is make everyone look at you like uh dude you can't put your bike there that is my area. So I just ended up finding a spot at the end and the outside of the transition area and leaned my bike up against an orange traffic cone, well it worked.

The swim. This has always been my weak point. I had picked up a new pair of Speedo goggles that I was hoping would not leak. My old pair of goggles would leak about 6 times during a 1 mile swim - so frustrating. The race organizers had to cut a path in the milfoil "sea weed" so that we could swim. It was like a swim channel under the water, which made it seem like a race course. Needless to say, I can't swim straight, so I spent sometime playing in this stuff. I am pretty sure in some places of the lake the milfoil was at least 30 to 40 feet in length. I had a good swim, 35:25 and the goggle worked like a charm.

T1 went smoothly for a crowded area, and it was starting to rain again. I forgot my sunglasses in the car, but I later found out that riding without them was the only way to go. Now onto the bike course - an out and back. Not too bad, not too hilly but I had fun. I attacked every hill I came to, because I knew when I would get over the top my legs would bounce back and want more. Hill training payed off. The best part of the bike was coming into T2. They had runners and bikers coming and going on the same road that entered the state park area. It was down hill to T2 and I was doing around 20 mph. I noticed a white full size suburban, well I guess they only come in one size. But it was white for sure. It was trying to make a left hand turn. The driver had to wait for the runners that were coming up the road. I could tell that as soon as there was an opening in the runners, they were going to turn into the parking lot. Well I was in a Triathlon race and there was no room to pass them on the right, so I was going to have to pass them on the left before they could turn. Well the Suburban turned and I grabbed the brakes. The combination of new paved wet roads and no tread road bike tires equals SNOT!! This is the cool part. As I made it to the suburban I turned the bike to the side, I put my shoulder down and SLAMMED into it HARD. I think I hit it between 10 to 15 mph. This poor gal in the car just about crapped her pants. I just bounced off and started pedaling again and went right around her. All the people running up the road yelled, "Dude that was so AWESOME!!" I'm a big guy so no blood, no foul.

Onto the run. T2 was good, I just needed to take more time to set up a better transition area next time. The run was 6 miles, two laps. I had a great run. I had really worked on doing bricks in my workouts. I found out that this is a must. I felt so strong on the run. I had an 8:35 pace. That was great for me. 51:30. My total time was 2:45:30.


Texafornia said...

Great pictures! This guy is a man amongst men! Keep having fun and that bike looks awesome.

-Brett from Zentriathlon.com

Bigun said...

great race! Love that you bounced the Suburban...although the story could have been better, like you left with steam coming out of the radiator - can you get a hit and run citation for that? You don't want to be hitting ANYTHING with the new carbon machine.....!!!!!